2013년 6월 11일 화요일

[Seo-Yeon] Epilogue

 By doing the blogging, I did most important preparations for trip : booking and getting Eurail pass, getting an international student ID card, buying and getting camera, booking accomodations, and so on.

 The most interesting but hardest work was to make a moving route. All the nations are nearby, but some nations are connected with only high speed train, which I should spend much more money. The making route was hard, but by doing this work I can feel that I am preparing for trip!  Also, finding the places of each nation brought me delight.
 I didn't get the all of the plans, but I could do half of the plan making by this blogging.Looking into some places of Europe, I thought that Korea is really small nation. Although I'm not on a flight yet, I could feel the Europe indirectly. Now I have some confidence that I can travel much better than expectation before blogging!

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